dear xxx is a 16mm color film produced by Anchored Entertainment. The film premiered at the Hi/Lo Film Festival in March 2001; San Francisco, California. The original story was written by James Tamborello for the Strictly Ballroom 7" record released by Chou-Chou Records (1994)


The 4th annual Hi/Lo Festival, San Francisco, Calif. 2001
I was pleasantly surprised that, although the fest was assembled by a comedy team, there were a few downbeat efforts, the best being local boy Daniel Cavey's 16mm DEAR XXX. A reclusive loner has decided to completely cut himself off from rest of the world by indefinitely hibernating inside his suburban domicile, his huge record collection being his only outlet for emotional release and human connection. But lately even his own once-cozy setting is becoming a suffocating dead end.

Tom Fitzgerald
Cashiers du Cinemart Issue 13

Sam Frazier - 03/22/2002

It has been said that you know a movie is good if you’re still thinking about it long after it has ended. Here, “Dear XXX” does not disappoint...

Part information age adaptation of Dostoyevsky’s Notes from the Underground and part exploration of musical ritual, “Dear XXX” is well thought out and beautifully executed. Aided by Greg Braun’s haunting performance and Strictly Ballroom’s soundtrack, “Dear XXX” achieves in 9 minutes what few films can in ninety. Substance and depth.